Photosynthesis: our best bet to create a food secure world

 "Two new initiatives at the University of Cambridge aim to address the growing demand on the Earth's resources for food and fuel by improving the process of photosynthesis. Four transatlantic research teams – two of which include academics from Cambridge's Department of Plant Sciences – will explore ways to overcome limitations in photosynthesis which could then lead to ways of significantly increasing the yield of important crops for food production or sustainable bioenergy. Despite the fact that photosynthesis is the basis of energy capture from the sun in plants, algae and other organisms, it has some fundamental limitations. There are trade-offs in nature which mean that photosynthesis is not as efficient as it could be – for many important crops such as wheat, barley, potatoes and sugar beet, the theoretical maximum is only 5%, depending on how it is measured. There is scope to improve it for processes useful to us, for example increasing the amount of food crop or energy biomass a plant can produce from the same amount of sunlight."

Photosynthesis: our best bet to create a food secure world
Although agricultural efficiency has increased significantly over the course of the last decades, evidence suggests that crop yields are now plateauing. Novel solutions are urgently needed to meet the world’s increasing demand for food

Australian agriculture plays a key role towards providing food for the planet but it is also expected to be one of the world’s most impacted areas from climate change.

Currently, Australia exports and produces more food than it consumes, but this could change drastically, if we don’t build crop resilience to deal with the consequences of climate extremes.

The good news is that Australia also has an unusual concentration of experts in what is considered to be one of the best solutions to increase and sustain cereal crop production: improving photosynthesis.

“Improving photosynthesis is our best option to achieve global food security and we know how to do it. Australia has always punched above its weight in photosynthesis research, with major discoveries coming out of this country,” says Professor Robert Furbank, Director of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Translational Photosynthesis.

The ARC Centre of Excellence for Translational Photosynthesis is a collaborative initiative established in 2014 with the ambitious aim of improving the process by which plants transform sunlight and carbon dioxide into sugars, a process that underlines all food production.

This week the Centre launched a video about the impact of its work on food security, produced in collaboration with the Australian Academy of Science as part of their Series Research Focus. 

“We are at a point where we have the potential to have large scale impact towards increasing Australian cereal crop production. We have the proof of concept for many of the innovations we have developed during these years of work. Now we have crop plants that have improvements in photosynthesis, but we really need research funding to continue, as breeding a new variety can take up to 10 years,” says Professor Furbank.

Summary of the New World Order Conspiracy and Solution to Food Freedom:

Plant Photosynthesis & Photorespiration

Photosynthesis is a key process to the world's food supply and scientists are now aiming to improve it. Through their research, they hope to create better ways of producing food and fuel. Photosynthesis is the way plants take light energy from the sun and convert it into chemical energy stored in molecules like sugar. This sugar is what provides nourishment for plants so they can grow and produce fruit, vegetables, grains and other products that we consume everyday.

Improvements to photosynthesis could lead to more productive crops which would help increase global food production. It could also be used as an alternative source of fuel since some of the molecules produced in photosynthesis can be converted into biofuel sources such as ethanol or biodiesel. Scientists are optimistic that these new technological advancements will benefit everyone by increasing food security worldwide while providing clean renewable sources of energy at the same time.

C3 Photosynthesis, C4 Photosynthesis and CAM Photosynthesis are all related, but have some critical differences. This video compares and contrasts them, and explains how C4 and CAM photosynthesis help plants to avoid the wasteful process of photorespiration. It also covers C3 C4 and CAM leaf anatomy, example plants, key cells, and the ideal temperature range for each plant type. Finally, the video covers practical applications for using this information in your research or business in order to optimize crop yield.

C3 Photosynthesis (considered the standard) is highly efficient, so long as an ample supply of CO2 is available. However, the C3 Calvin Cycle uses an enzyme known as RuBisCO, which is prone to binding to oxygen under certain conditions, particularly if the weather is hot. This triggers an extremely inefficient process called photorespiration; the plant can still photosynthesize but only at a reduced rate of about 75%. In addition, the process produces waste, and costs more ATP. C4 and CAM Plants are specialists at avoiding photorespiration, and have a number of useful mechanisms and structures for doing it. Both specialized processes cost ATP, but they are still far more efficient than photorespiration.

C4 plants split the process of carbon fixation and the Calvin Cycle into two separate cells; palisade mesophyll and bundle sheath cells, respectively. This keeps RuBisCO from coming into contact with oxygen. C4 Plants also have Kranz anatomy, where the palisade mesophyll cells and bundle sheath cells are close together to facilitate this process.

CAM Plants collect CO2 at night when the air is cooler and having stomata open is less risky. They "fix" CO2 into malate or other organic acids, which are stored until the next day. The acids are then split into carbon dioxide, which feeds the Calvin Cycle, and pyruvate which is re-invested to keep the nighttime fixation process going. CAM Plants also store water when they have a chance, usually in structures called aquiferous parenchyma.

This information can be highly useful to anyone attempting to grow crops; matching the crop to the local environment is essential in order to maximize yield. If the plants are to be grown in a greenhouse, first priority is to ensure water and sunlight, second priority is to optimize the temperature to the plant type, and third priority is to consider supplements such as CO2 in order to boost the rate of photosynthesis and minimize photorespiration. 

Recommend for you: Time is running out, watch this video before it's too late
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... The Free Thought Project ⭐💫🌌

3 books on photosynthesis related to the worlds food supply and food freedom in the New World Order

The world is changing and with it comes a new way to approach food freedom in the New World Order. Photosynthesis, the process of using light energy from the sun to convert carbon dioxide into organic compounds, is key when it comes to understanding how our food supply works and will be affected by changes in climate, politics, and economics. For those looking to gain a better understanding of photosynthesis related to the world’s food supply, these three books are essential reading: 

3 books on photosynthesis related to the worlds food supply

Food freedom in the New World Order:

Important Proposal:

🔹 How to create a free energy generator that does not consume fuel. This is what Global petrodollar $cience doesn't teach us
🔹 Solutions to create safe food, an autonomous life towards a society that does not discriminate between rich and poor
🔹 Natural healing without drugs according to Traditional Chinese Medicine integrated with modern acupuncture

🔹 A small strategy that guarantees your true freedom, or at least it is the first step to pave the way to supreme freedom.


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