Malthus's theory of population control

What does Thomas Malthus say about food supply and population control?

Malthus thought that the population would increase exponentially while food supply increased arithmetically. This means that if the population increases faster than food production, there will be a shortage of resources and people will starve to death. To prevent this, Malthus proposed two measures: preventive checks and positive checks. Preventive checks are those which reduce birth rates such as late marriage or abstinence from sexual activities (which was not very popular back then). Positive Checks are those which increase mortality rate such as famine, war or disease epidemics (which were more common in his time). 

In modern times we have seen how technology has been able to boost our agricultural productivity so much so that it is now possible for us to feed billions of people with relative ease - something unimaginable during Malthus’s lifetime! However, due to inequality in access and distribution of resources many still go hungry on a daily basis even today - making Thomas Robert Malthus' ideas all the more relevant when discussing global poverty alleviation strategies today.

Thomas Robert Malthus, the first professor of economics, supposed that the growth rate of the population would be higher than the growth rate of food supply, and natural law of positive check would just kill off the excess population (control by positive check). His theory has always been true for all animals including humans for the first 180,000 years of human existence, but not for the last 20,000 years for the humans.

He threatened everyone would die of starvation if we did not decrease births and like a lot of elites he thought it the poor should do that. He was probably the inspiration for the 1970’s false prophesies that can be found in Paul and Anne Erlich’s book ‘The Population Bomb’. Reportedly there is more food produced nowadays than ever before. Unfortunately, the rich haven’t discovered yet, how to distribute it to areas where hunger is endemic. Instead of food, infrastructure, and medical supplies, they tend to send women’s “health” products and technology.

The hysteria the Erlich’s unleashed is obviously still proliferating. I tried to link to the book mentioned above, but except for Kindle, what was available is costing $$$ to $$$$’s. I found this kind of unavailability before, when I tried to access other books which had gone out of favor (e.g. ‘School of Darkness’ by Dr. Bella Dodd).

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The Malthus Conspiracy

In 2011 the world population hit seven billion. Fourteen thousand babies are born every hour. By 2045 the population is predicted to hit nine billion. Can our planet cope? In 1798 Economist Reverend Thomas Malthus thought not. His work 'An Essay on the Principal of Population' predicted that population growth would outpace our ability to obtain resources, resulting in a global epidemic of famine that would destroy society unless curbed. Fast forward to 2012. College students Dean Adams and his best friend Felix Pye, unwittingly stumble across the greatest conspiracy in history, and by doing so sign a death warrant. They are forced to run as powerful, high society members of a 200 year old secret Malthusian League attempt to silence them. The league will stop at nothing to continue its Malthusian cause. Their purpose? To curb population growth and ensure Malthus' predictions for economic ruin do not come true. With the aide of detective Isabella Mercena, Dean and Felix go head to head against the evil forces as they attempt to expose the league's sinister plans to control population. Will they survive to tell the tale and tell it before the next wave of disaster is unleashed on mankind?

The Malthus Conspiracy

More details: The Malthus Conspiracy by Danielle Uidam  (Author)

Danielle Uidam was born in Sydney, Australia in 1988. As child she was told to stop reading novels in class so instead she decided to write them.

She graduated high school from the Singapore American School at the age of 16. She has a degree from the University of Newcastle Australia, and is a young entrepreneur running her own sports coaching company. As it is not a 9 to 5 career it allows her the time to write. She has lived in a number of countries including Australia, Singapore, China and the Netherlands.

Compare the plots discovered by Danielle Uidam from 2013 to now by video:

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